About All Saints

All Saints Lutheran Church of San Diego is a community of faith gathered around the Word of God and the Eucharistic table and then sent into the world to serve our neighbors. We have been a presence in the University City neighborhood for sixty years. Founded in 1963 as a congregation of the Lutheran Church in America, All Saints is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Lutherans trace their roots to the sixteenth century Reformation begun by Martin Luther.
We are both evangelical and catholic, two words often misunderstood. Evangelical means that we are centered in the gospel of Jesus Christ which announces grace and hope. Catholic means that we are part of the universal church of all times and places, and we claim the history and rich traditions of the Church throughout the ages.
Baptized into the Triune Name, we are committed to speaking the truth in love and maintaining the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. All Saints seeks to maintain the integrity of the Church's faith and practice through the proclamation of the Gospel and the reverent and prayerful celebration of the liturgy as it has been handed down to us from the earliest centuries and found in the Lutheran Book of Worship. We are evangelical in our understanding of the Gospel, catholic in liturgical and sacramental belief and practice, and orthodox in doctrine.
Our church edifice was designed by the distinguished San Diego architect Sim Bruce Richards and it has been recognized by the American Guild of Architects as one of the best buildings in San Diego. Built entirely of rough-cut cedar, it is simple, beautiful and prayerful.
The Labyrinth
Constructed by Jacob Bieber for his Eagle Scout project. With all its switchbacks and roundabout progress, the path of the labyrinth symbolizes our spiritual walk. All who walk the path eventually reach the center. Then the way out is the same as the way in. Those who would find their life lose it, and when they lose it they find it.
Pastor Bieber schedules meetings with inquirers about the Christian faith or the Lutheran tradition, and with those who are interested in becoming members of All Saints. It is possible to become a member by Baptism, Affirmation of Baptism, or Letter of Transfer.
Constitution and Bylaws
Follow these links to All Saints' governing documents:
All Saints' Constitution, 2015
Bylaws and Continuing Resolutions
We are both evangelical and catholic, two words often misunderstood. Evangelical means that we are centered in the gospel of Jesus Christ which announces grace and hope. Catholic means that we are part of the universal church of all times and places, and we claim the history and rich traditions of the Church throughout the ages.
Baptized into the Triune Name, we are committed to speaking the truth in love and maintaining the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. All Saints seeks to maintain the integrity of the Church's faith and practice through the proclamation of the Gospel and the reverent and prayerful celebration of the liturgy as it has been handed down to us from the earliest centuries and found in the Lutheran Book of Worship. We are evangelical in our understanding of the Gospel, catholic in liturgical and sacramental belief and practice, and orthodox in doctrine.
Our church edifice was designed by the distinguished San Diego architect Sim Bruce Richards and it has been recognized by the American Guild of Architects as one of the best buildings in San Diego. Built entirely of rough-cut cedar, it is simple, beautiful and prayerful.
The Labyrinth
Constructed by Jacob Bieber for his Eagle Scout project. With all its switchbacks and roundabout progress, the path of the labyrinth symbolizes our spiritual walk. All who walk the path eventually reach the center. Then the way out is the same as the way in. Those who would find their life lose it, and when they lose it they find it.
Pastor Bieber schedules meetings with inquirers about the Christian faith or the Lutheran tradition, and with those who are interested in becoming members of All Saints. It is possible to become a member by Baptism, Affirmation of Baptism, or Letter of Transfer.
Constitution and Bylaws
Follow these links to All Saints' governing documents:
All Saints' Constitution, 2015
Bylaws and Continuing Resolutions