All Saints Lutheran Church, San Diego
6355 Radcliffe Drive, San Diego, California 92122 Church: 858.453.3595 • allstsofc@sbcglobal.net Preschool: 858.453.5340 • allstspre@sbcglobal.net The Holy Eucharist: 9 am Sundays, in person and on Zoom The Wednesday Evening Service has been suspended (except during Lent) |
All Saints’ Schedule for Holy Week and Easter:
Palm / Passion Sunday Sunday, April 13 The Holy Eucharist 9:00 a.m. We gather on the patio for the blessing of and procession with palms, and continue the liturgy in the church with the congregational reading of the Passion According to St. Luke. THE PASCHAL TRIDUUM: The Great Three Days Maundy Thursday Thursday, April 17 7:00 p.m. We receive the Absolution that brings closure to our Lenten repentance, recall our Lord’s example of humility and love in washing the feet of his disciples, and hear him interpret the meaning of his own death and resurrection in the institution of the Holy Eucharist. We recall his betrayal and abandonment in the stripping of the Altar. Good Friday Friday, April 18 7:00 p.m. Good Friday is an austere time of reflection and intercession as we hear the Passion According to St. John and pray the ancient Bidding Prayer. It is a time, too, for the veneration of Christ and his cross, for celebrating our Lord’s sacrifice. Also, Holy Communion is offered from the reserved sacrament. The Vigil of Easter Saturday, April 19 9:00 p.m. The climax of what began on Maundy Thursday is reached in this liturgy, which is full of contrasts between darkness and light, death and life, chaos and order, slavery and freedom. The Liturgy comprises four sections: the Service of Light, which begins on the patio, the Service of the Word, which recounts God’s acts in creation and history, the Service of Baptism, in which we renew our baptismal vows, and the Service of Holy Communion, the first Eucharist of Easter. The Resurrection of Our Lord Easter Day Sunday, April 20 The Holy Eucharist 9:00 a.m. The Easter Morning Festival Eucharist, with a Children’s Sermon, will be followed by our annual Easter Egg Hunt and Easter Brunch. From the Pastor . . . Dear Christian friends: How important is the resurrection of Jesus? “If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain. We are even found to be misrepresenting God, because we testified of God that he raised Christ” (I Corinthians 15.14–15). Faith in the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the foundation of the whole Christian message. Make no mistake: if he rose at all It was as His body; If the cells’ dissolution did not reverse, the molecule reknit, The amino acids rekindle, The Church will fall. —John Updike, “Seven Stanzas as Easter” (1960) If the resurrection of Jesus were taken away, we might still be able to piece together a religious world view comprising some interesting ideas about God. Despite his failure as a religious leader, Jesus’ quirky stories could still cause us to reflect—but only insofar is his message is of interest to us. Our own thoughts and feelings would pass judgment on who Jesus was. But the Church proclaims that Jesus is—that Jesus’ resurrection really opened up a new dimension of human existence, not just for Jesus but for all of us. Particularly in a culture that has for the most part rejected the Christian way, the Church must continue proclaiming this new way of being in the world (still new for us even though this new thing sprang forth two thousand years ago). Worship is the way the community of faith cultivates this new way of being. Right in the middle of this month we celebrate the shortest—and most important—season in the Church’s Year of Grace: the Triduum (Latin for “three days”). This celebration of the Paschal Mystery takes us from the altar to the cross, to the baptismal font, and back to the altar again. It leads us into the heart of the paradox at the center of our Christian faith: in Christ’s Passover from death to life, and our Baptism into his death, we live a new life. On the evening of Maundy Thursday, we receive the absolution that concludes the penitential season begun on Ash Wednesday and leave Lent behind. The Triduum begins with that enacted parable of Jesus’ new commandment of love, the washing of feet, and goes on to the celebration of his institution of the Sacrament of the Altar on the night in which he was betrayed. This one Liturgy spread over three evenings continues on Good Friday with the most ancient and simple Liturgy of the Church Year. We hold together the image of Isaiah’s Suffering Servant and the Passion according to St. John’s image of the cross as Jesus’ triumph. On Saturday evening we keep the Church’s most ancient Vigil, beginning with a Service of Light that no Evening Prayer service can match. As we listen to the prophecies that set forth our hope, we prepare to return to the promises of Baptism. Then, going back to where we began—but now renewed—we return to the altar for the first Eucharist of Easter. How important for your Christian walk is the communal celebration of Jesus Christ’s cross and resurrection? If you have not observed this three-day season of paradox and grace in the past, I urge you to join us this year to encounter who Jesus Christ is. Grace and peace, Paul Bieber, STS, Pastor Wednesday Evenings in Lent 6:00—8:00 p.m. Soup and Bread; “Savior, Servant, Friend”; and Compline On each of the Wednesdays in Lent this year we gather in Room 5 at 6 pm for a simple soup and bread supper, then adjourn to the church to contemplate some of the ways we might think about Jesus as Savior, Servant, and Friend. We read and discuss some passages from the Bible and conclude by praying the Church’s Nighttime prayer office, Compline. Because of the importance of being in the church together for the meditation, silence, conversation, and prayer, Wednesday evenings are in-person only. Fridays in Lent: 12 noon, Stations of the Cross We are blessed with a worship space the walls of which are adorned with the Stations of the Cross. You are invited to join Pastor Bieber in this traditional devotion. It takes about half an hour. Adult Forum—Nicaea 1700 At All Saints, we profess our faith in the words of the Nicene Creed every Sunday—unless a Baptism or other baptismally-oriented rite calls for the Apostles’ Creed. It was in AD 325 that the Christian Emperor Constantine called together a synod of bishops, an ecumenical council, at Nicaea. At that Council, 1,700 years ago, the Nicene Creed was written. What is its importance for us today? Christian theology is a living entity, not a fossil. Yet each new generation is not left to work out its truths as though our fathers and mothers in the faith had not already prayerfully considered many of the issues and heresies that beset the church in our own day. Understanding the path that brought the church to the formulation of the faith that we call the Nicene Creed requires that we enter into the issues as they were discerned, expressed, and discussed seventeen centuries ago. That we will try to do, after the Liturgy and refreshments, in the pastor’s study, on non-Confirmation Class Sundays. Please join us. To view sermons from All Saints, visit Unbroken Word | Broken Bread Invitation: In-person or by Zoom You are invited to join the All Saints community in worship. California has lifted masking and social distancing requirements for vaccinated people. If you are vaccinated, you may come to church for worship without a mask and sit where you like. If you are not vaccinated or if you simply prefer it, you may wear a mask and/or mark your seating so that social distancing will be maintained. The service continues to be available on Zoom. If you are gathering virtually for worship via Zoom, please go to https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7904299410 at 9 am on Sunday to join us online. You can also dial in on your phone at 1 (669) 900-9128; the Meeting ID is: 790 429 9410. We open the meeting at about a quarter to nine so that we can greet one another and check in before the worship service begins. The meeting host will admit you to the meeting from the waiting room. Send an email to allstsofc@sbcglobal.net if you would like to be added to the list of those who receive the order of worship and the readings via email. Regarding offerings: You may bring your offering to church. Or you can mail a check to the church or slip one through the mail slot next to the church office door. Or you can send money via www.Zellepay.com (the church’s email address is allstsofc@sbcglobal.net) or www.Paypal.com. Thanks to all our generous givers! Sermons from All Saints, Episodes of "What Is the Premise?" and more are available at Pastor Bieber's site, Unbroken Word | Broken Bread: evangelicalcatholicsandiego.wordpress.com/
Please visit our Liturgical Ministries page
for schedules of acolytes, deacons, lectors, offertory giftbearers, and coffee hour setup hosts
for schedules of acolytes, deacons, lectors, offertory giftbearers, and coffee hour setup hosts
We Invite You to Join Us!
Sunday Eucharist – 9:00 am
We regard the Church's liturgy as the birthright of the baptized and invite Christians of all ages
to worship as they are able. At the end of the liturgy on the first Sunday of the month,
we encourage children to join the pastor for a children's sermon.
Sunday School follows the worship service – from Holy Cross Day (September 14) through the Day of Pentecost
Confirmation Classes – 10:45 am Sundays, alternating with the Adult Forum
Wednesday services have been suspended
Sunday Eucharist – 9:00 am
We regard the Church's liturgy as the birthright of the baptized and invite Christians of all ages
to worship as they are able. At the end of the liturgy on the first Sunday of the month,
we encourage children to join the pastor for a children's sermon.
Sunday School follows the worship service – from Holy Cross Day (September 14) through the Day of Pentecost
Confirmation Classes – 10:45 am Sundays, alternating with the Adult Forum
Wednesday services have been suspended
All Saints is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and its Pacifica Synod.
We are also a member congregation of the Community Christian Service Agency.
Website most recently updated on Monday 26 September 2022.